She’s Tough, Ambitions & Works Hard for Success! Meet Jennifer Moon, Founder of New Moon Market Orlando’s Cool Juice Bar!

79d402804749ec57218888721dd9ded1.jpgQ: Lets start with the story behind New Moon Market, what made you decide there was a need and were going to pursue this venture?
My name is Jennifer Moon-Huggett. I began this journey in 2009 when I decided to make changes in my life. Clean it up if you will in all aspects. I began watching food documentaries Food Inc., Forks over Knives, Hungry for Change … I must have watched them all - I wasn't’ just watching I was taking notes. 

Driving my family and friends crazy by sharing all this new information and encouraging them too to jump on board. “Get rid of your milk, processed foods and don’t eat meat - do you know what’s happening to our food”? It never goes well when you dump on people who aren’t ready to change. But once I knew there was no going back, I was eager to keep learning and for the first time in my life I became a student.

I began switching over to all organic and lived vegan for a short time. At the time I had a great career in Medical device sales however I never had that burning desire that this is my calling. I did however light up whenever I had the chance to talk about the almond milk I made or a new juice. I loved going to farmers markets first thing in the morning and talking to the local organic farmers. I enjoyed every aspect of juicing from buying the produce to washing it, juicing it and pouring it into a fancy wine glass to enjoy. Man, I miss those days! I didn’t fuss about the clean up afterwards either I was in my element. Part of my job description in medical sales was driving a lot so I always looked for juice bars or cafes I could try. Hoping to find an owner to chat with and hear how they got started however it was funny how I got somewhat of the same response “it's a lot of work and little profit.” I would walk away thinking why would you do something that brought little profit? At the same time, I was making good money but didn’t necessarily enjoy what I was doing so I guess we could ask the same question - why would you do something you didn’t feel called to do?  

As time went on, I would daydream about opening my own café and write about it. Manifesting 101. The Universe, source … God does for you what you cannot do for yourself and I was part of a layoff from my job. I didn’t love my job and I also would not have quit so the push was needed. From there we had an opportunity to live in my parent’s condo on the beach and we took it. My husband and our two kids lived on the beach for two years literally the Atlantic Ocean was our backyard. I walked everyday and I listened to Wayne Dyer my greatest teacher. I watched every sunrise as if it were a ceremony well it was my prayer sunrise ceremony. Finally, the day was here, and I got the courage to start the local farmers market in New Smyrna Beach on Saturday mornings. Juiced all day with a Norwalk Cold Pressed juicer (do you know the mess this machine makes!) and I loved every minute of it. Packed up the once vehicle for medical sales now has a tent, table and whole lotta juice! June 2014 was the first time I was doing what I really really loved, and it was so freaking scary! Juice in a mason jar for $9 that was a tough sale at first to the community. Once I started, I could explain the benefits of this beautiful 16 ounce juice and the taste was really good too. 

Now that burning desire I couldn’t find when I was selling medical equipment happened here under a tent selling the juice I made. I knew I found my calling but how was I going to make a living doing this?  

Q: After high school, where did you feel your career path would take you? Did you have any idea, you would be a successful business owner?
I had no idea what I was doing after high school. My story isn’t normal. I wasn’t a good student in high school by choice, but I was a good swimmer and that was my identity. I missed the opportunity to swim in college due to my grades. That was a hard pill to swallow to watch my team move on and swim at good Universities. My choices got me here. I no longer had the identity of being a swimmer and started at Santa Fe Community College in Gainesville, FL and briefly went to University of Florida. It was the early Nineties and very much part of my story I enjoyed the underground club scene, as many bystanders would call raves. 

I met my husband who was the DJ from England on the dance floor 23 years ago. Who says you can’t find love on the dance floor! From there I took time off college and moved to England and was able to travel Europe for almost a year and had the time of my life! By the way I did graduate from UCF five years later after I was married and had our first baby. 

Q: What was your first job? And how did it shape or impact you?
My first professional career was selling payroll services at ADP to small businesses. I had no idea what the heck I was doing or what FICA or FUTA meant but I was determined to get this job. A few people said to me not to feel bad if I didn’t get this job because they only hire people with experience and with good GPA’s both of which I did not have. I remember someone telling me never underestimate the power of being liked and I got the job. I now know that I was really good at getting the good jobs without the GPA or experience.  

ADP taught me the steps of a sale and I learned there are many “no’s’” before you get a “yes” and to keep going. I had to cold call and knock on many doors for business which is not easy. What happened over the years those clients started to refer business to me, and I was building relationships as a consultant not an order taker. 

Q: You offer more than juices and smoothies; can you tell us more about what’s on your menu?
We started with juices for two years working local farmers markets and trying to get into events as much as possible. We had the juice part done by the time we opened our first location and it was good because we tested it for two years. We hired a small team to help us with smoothies and grab and go items. I wanted to create a place for anyone to grab a juice or a healthy snack and be on their way. Easy convenient and healthy! That was what I looked for working in the field and I wanted to create that. It was important to me to be different than any of the other juice bars in town. We all can offer juice, but I wanted to have more. Now we have over a dozen juices and almond milks, a dozen smoothies and smoothie bowls, half a dozen salads and wraps, desserts, chia pudding, overnight oats, avocado toast that is killer and pressed sandwiches. All plant based, healthy and tastes great. We want to make it known that you do not need to be a Veg Head to stop by New Moon Market its for everyone. 

Q: Tell us about some of your popular juices your customers come back for? Which is your favorite?
We have fun naming our juices and most of them are named after a cool tune. Our most popular juice is our LOVELY DAY and it’s our easiest green juice to enjoy. Cucumber, pineapple, granny smith, kale, ginger lime. You really will have a lovely day! Most new juicers start with Lovely Day and as time goes by, they start reaching for the green juice with little to no sweetness. GREEN EYED LADY is my favorite green juice. All greens no sweet just the lemon. If you’re new to juicing I would not have you start with this one but truly this is the way, we should drink juice. What’s important I like to tell our customers is to start where you are. If you start with the Greenest chances are you won’t come back. Lean into it and enjoy the process. Green is a great start to the day it’s detoxifying, and I literally can feel energized from the inside out. I CAN SEE CLEARLY NOW is a great combination of carrot, apple, orange, ginger, lemon, turmeric and black pepper. Great immune booster juice and great for inflammation. If you’re drinking organic cold pressed juice, then they’re all great immune boosters! Try to stick to less fruit and watch what the first ingredient is. We use cucumber as a base for many reasons but to name a few hydration, keeps your skin healthy, helps in digestion and takes care of your heart.

Q: You offer many flavor … what’s the process for coming up with another flavor?
We offer seasonal juices our summer GOOD VIBRATIONS is the most popular: Watermelon, pineapple, basil and lime. We have many people make cold pressed cocktails from this concoction. Good Vibrations has been put away in the juice vault until next summer

Hello, Fall juice: ZIPPING UP MY BOOTS- pineapple, apple, carrot, ginger, lemon, turmeric and cinnamon. 

Q: Do you see the business expanding in the future?
We opened location number two four months ago and we are already looking at location three. To be where we want to be in this business, we need more units. YES, we are expanding!

Q: What's the greatest fear you've had to overcome to get where you are today?  
Fear is the greatest Fear to overcome and facing pain. I have to do A LOT of work daily to keep that at bay. Prayer, meditation, eating healthy and exercise. When I’m not in balance everyone knows and its hard to move ahead gracefully. I have to remember this is a gift what I get to do everyday. I get to help others and provide a premium service that is healthy and satisfying. 

Q: What’s one lesson you’ve learned in your career that you can share with our audience?
I am a passion driven and intense woman. Working with others is not as easy as I thought it would be. Having Employees is a blessing and my goodness we have had amazing kids work with us. It’s also the hardest part to deal with. I’m still learning. I’ve learned a lot from our team, and I do feel I’m getting better but still a work in progress. Trusting that the ship will sail even when I’m not there is a work in progress. 

Q: Which woman inspires you and why? 
My mother - I once fought with her everyday and now I am becoming her. She has devoted her life to her family and each and every one of us has felt her love and support. She is the glue, the rock and the ultimate Warrior Goddess. My mom is tough as nails and I love how committed she is to her church. I hope one day to have all my grandbabies love me as much as she is loved by hers. 

I also would like to add my sisters, mother-in-law, daughter, step-daughter, nieces, my closest friends- all of them inspire me and we are all Warrior Goddesses! 

Q: What advice would you give to young women who may want to start their own business?
Don’t wait to start, just start. You’ll figure it out! Write it down on paper, visualize it completely and have fun!

Four Things About Jennifer Moon

1. If you could talk to one famous person past or present, who would it be and why? 
Wayne Dyer was my greatest teacher in my adult life and I absolutely loved him and understood his teachings. I manifested New Moon Market by listening to him everyday.

2. Who’s been your biggest influence in your life?
My dad has been a huge part this and without him New Moon Market would only be a dream. He has helped us make our dream a reality and continues. Sometimes I think he’s more excited about it then we are! Really cool to have him around and enjoy what we do. My husband has also been my greatest support in all areas of my life. He is my greatest teacher when it comes to unconditional love, patience and he is the loveliest love of all. 

3. If you were a superhero, what would your special powers be?
Any superhero that would give peace and everlasting love!

4. What’s your favorite Food to cook?  
I really love making amazing salads and homemade dressings. 


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